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Journal Papers

Note: *corresponding author


  1. Li, M., Jia, G. *, Mahmoud, H., Yu, Y.-H., Tom, N. (2023). “Physics-Constrained Gaussian Process Model for Prediction of Hydrodynamic Interactions Between Wave Energy Converters in an Array.” Applied Mathematical Modeling, 119, 465-485.

  2. Wang, Z., and Jia, G.* (2023). “Extended sample-based approach for efficient sensitivity analysis of group of random variables.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 231, 108991. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2022.108991.

  3. Wang, Z., and Jia. G.* (2022). “Risk-informed evaluation of tsunami evacuation risk mitigation strategies.” Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 7(6), 1008-1027. DOI: 10.1080/23789689.2022.2127270.

  4. Ma, H., Cheng, Z.*, Jia. G., and Shi, Z. (2022). “Energy analysis of an inerter-enhanced floating floor structure (In-FFS) under seismic loads.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3716. 

  5. Wang, Z., and Jia. G.* (2022). “Sensitivity analysis of tsunami evacuation risk with respect to epistemic uncertainty.” ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/AJRUA6.0001257. 

  6. Cheng, Z.*, Ma, H., Shi, Z., and Jia. G. (2022). “An Inerter Enhanced Floating Floor Structure for Seismic Hazard Mitigation.” Journal of Building Engineering, 52, 104353. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104353. 

  7. Tabandeh, A.*, Jia, G., and Gardoni, P. (2022). “A Review and Assessment of Importance Sampling Methods for Reliability Analysis.” Structural Safety, 97, 102216. DOI: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2022.102216. 

  8. Poblete, A., Ruiz, R.O.*, and Jia. G. (2022). “Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Model Parameter Updating in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 172, 108942. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.108942. 

  9. Cheng, Z., Li, M., Jia. G.*, and Shi, Z. (2022). “Adaptive Gaussian Process with PCA for prediction of complex dispersion relations for periodic structures.” European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 93, 104547. DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2022.104547. 

  10. Wang, Z., and Jia. G.* (2022). “Simulation-based and risk-informed assessment of the effectiveness of tsunami evacuation routes using agent-based modeling: a case study of Seaside, Oregon.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13, 66-86. DOI: 10.1007/s13753-021-00387-x. 

  11. Wang, Z., and Jia. G.* (2021). “Tsunami evacuation risk assessment and probabilistic sensitivity analysis using augmented sample-based approach.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 63, 102462. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102462. 

  12. Jia, G.*, Tabandeh, A., and Gardoni, P. (2021). “A density extrapolation approach to estimate failure probabilities.” Structural Safety, 93, 102128. DOI: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2021.102128. 

  13. Sonwani, J. K., Jia, G.*, Mahmoud, H., and Wang Z. (2021) “Seismic Collapse Risk Assessment of Braced Frames under Near-Fault Earthquakes.” Metals, 11(8), 1271. DOI: 10.3390/met11081271. 

  14. Li, M., Jia. G.*, Cheng, Z., and Shi, Z. (2021). “Generative adversarial network guided topology optimization of periodic structures via Subset Simulation.” Composite Structures, 260, 113254. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113254. 

  15. Jia, G.*, Gardoni, P., Trejo, D., and Mazarei, V. (2021). “Stochastic modelling of deterioration and time-variant performance of reinforced concrete structures under joint effects of earthquakes, corrosion, and ASR.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(2), 04020314. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002884. 

  16. Wang, Z., and Jia. G.* (2021). “A novel agent-based model for tsunami evacuation simulation and risk assessment.” Natural Hazards, 105, 2045–2071. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-020-04389-8. 

  17. Li, M., and Jia. G.* (2020). “Bayesian updating of bridge condition deterioration models using complete and incomplete inspection data.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25(3), 04020007. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001530. 

  18. Wang, Z., and Jia, G.* (2020). “Augmented sample-based approach for efficient evaluation of risk sensitivity with respect to epistemic uncertainty in distribution parameters.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 197, 106783. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2019.106783. 

  19. Li, M., and Jia. G.* (2020). “Multi-fidelity Gaussian Process Model Integrating Low- and High-Fidelity Data Considering Censoring.” Journal of Structural Engineering 146(3), 04019215. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002531.

  20. Li, M., Wang, R-Q., and Jia. G.* (2020). “Efficient dimension reduction and surrogate-based sensitivity analysis for expensive models with high-dimensional outputs.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 195, 106725. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2019.106725. 

  21. Wang, Z., and Jia, G.* (2020). “Efficient sample-based approach for effective seismic risk mitigation of transportation networks.” Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 5(6), 349-364. DOI: 10.1080/23789689.2019.1598756. 

  22. Li, M., Cheng, Z., Jia. G.*, and Shi, Z. (2019). “Dimension reduction and surrogate based topology optimization of periodic structures.” Composite Structures, 229, 111385. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111385. 

  23. Atadero, R.A.*, Jia G., Abdallah, A., Ozbek, M.E. (2019). “An Integrated Uncertainty-Based Bridge Inspection Decision Framework with Application to Concrete Bridge Decks.” Infrastructures, 4(3), 1–26. DOI: 10.3390/infrastructures4030050. 

  24. Wang, Z., and Jia, G.* (2019). “Non-parametric stochastic subset optimization for reliability-based importance ranking of bridges in transportation networks.” Applied Mathematical Modeling, 76, 348-361. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.06.010. 

  25. Jia. G.*, Wang, R-Q., and Stacey, M. (2019). “Investigation of Impact of Shoreline Alternation on Coastal Hydrodynamics using Dimension Reduced Surrogate based Sensitivity Analysis.” Advances in Water Resources, 126, 168-175. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.03.001.

  26. Jia, G.*, and Gardoni, P. (2019). “Stochastic Life-Cycle Analysis: Renewal-Theory Life-Cycle Analysis with State-Dependent Deterioration Stochastic Models.” Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 15(8), 1001-1014. DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2019.1590424. 

  27. Jia, G.*, and Gardoni, P. (2018). “Simulation-based approach for estimation of the stochastic performance of deteriorating engineering systems.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 52, 28-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.probengmech.2018.03.001. 

  28. Jia, G.*, and Gardoni, P. (2018). “State-dependent Stochastic Models: A general stochastic framework for modeling deteriorating engineering systems considering multiple deterioration processes and their interactions.” Structural Safety, 72, 99-110. DOI: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2018.01.001. 

  29. Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A.* (2016) “Efficient evaluation of Sobol' indices utilizing samples from an auxiliary probability density function.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 142(5), 04016012:1-11. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001061. 

  30. Jia, G., Taflanidis, A. A.*, Nadal-Caraballo, N. C., Melby, J. A., Kennedy, A. B., and Smith, J. M. (2016) “Surrogate modeling for peak or time-dependent storm surge prediction over an extended coastal region using an existing database of synthetic storms.” Natural Hazards, 81(2), 909-938. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-2111-1. 

  31. Jia, G., Taflanidis, A. A.*, and Beck, J. L. (2015) “Non-parametric stochastic subset optimization for design problems with reliability constraints.” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 52(6), 1185-1204. DOI: 10.1007/s00158-015-1300-6. 

  32. Jia, G., Taflanidis, A. A.*, and Beck, J. L. (2015) “A new adaptive rejection sampling method using kernel density approximations and its application to Subset Simulation.” ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 3(2): D4015001. DOI: 10.1061/AJRUA6.0000841.

  33. Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A.* (2015) “Non-parametric stochastic subset optimization utilizing multivariate boundary kernels and adaptive stochastic sampling.” Advances in Engineering Software, 89, 3-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2015.06.014. 

  34. Jia, G., Gidaris, I., Taflanidis, A. A.*, and Mavroeidis, G. P. (2014). “Reliability-based assessment/design of floor isolation systems.” Engineering Structures, 78, 41-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.07.031.

  35. Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A.* (2014). “Sample-based evaluation of global probabilistic sensitivity measures.” Computers & Structures, 144, 103-118. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2014.07.019. 

  36. Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A.* (2013). “Non-parametric stochastic subset optimization for optimal-reliability design problems.” Computers & Structures, 126, 86–99. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2012.12.009. 

  37. Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A.* (2013). “Kriging metamodeling for approximation of high-dimensional wave and surge responses in real-time storm/hurricane risk assessment.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 261–262, 24–38. DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2013.03.012. 

  38. Lamprou, A., Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A.* (2013). “Life-cycle seismic loss estimation and global sensitivity analysis based on stochastic ground motion modeling.” Engineering Structures, 54, 192–206. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.04.001. 

  39. Taflanidis, A. A.*, Jia, G., Kennedy, A. B., and Smith, J. M. (2013). “Implementation /optimization of moving least squares response surfaces for approximation of hurricane /storm surge and wave responses.” Natural Hazards, 66(2), 955–983. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-012-0520-y. 

  40. Taflanidis, A. A.*, and Jia, G. (2011). “A simulation-based framework for risk assessment and probabilistic sensitivity analysis of base-isolated structures.” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 40(14), 1629–1651. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.1113.

  41. Jia, G., and Shi, Z.* (2010). “A new seismic isolation system and its feasibility study.” Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration, 9(1), 75–82. DOI: 10.1007/s11803-010-8159-8. 

Conference Papers



  1. Li, M., Jia, G., Mahmoud, H., Yu, Y.-H., Tom, N. (2022). “Convolution-fed Gaussian Process with Active Learning for Probabilistic Power Prediction of Large-scale Wave Farm.” ICOSSAR 2021-2022: 13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, September 13-17, Shanghai, China.

  2. Li, M., Wang, Z., Jia, G. (2022). “Multi-fidelity surrogate model for efficient tsunami evacuation risk assessment.” ICOSSAR 2021-2022: 13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, September 13-17, Shanghai, China.

  3. Wang, Z., Jia, G. (2022). “Augmented sample-based approach for efficient tsunami evacuation risk assessment.” ICOSSAR 2021-2022: 13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, September 13-17, Shanghai, China.

  4. Li, M., Wang, Z., Jia, G. (2020). “Dimension reduction and surrogate based approach for optimal seismic risk mitigation of large-scale transportation network.” 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020), June 28 -July 2, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.

  5. Li, M., and Jia, G. (2020). “Age, state, and environment dependent non-homogeneous stochastic model for improved bridge deterioration prediction.” 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020), June 28 -July 2, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.

  6. Li, M., Jia, G., and Wang, R-Q. (2019). “Surrogate modeling for sensitivity analysis of models with high-dimensional outputs.” 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13, May 26-30, Seoul, South Korea.

  7. Wang, Z., and Jia, G. (2019). “Stochastic Sampling for Efficient Seismic Risk Assessment of Transportation Network.” 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13, May 26-30, Seoul, South Korea.

  8. Jia, G., Gardoni, P., and Trejo, D. (2017). “Stochastic modelling of deterioration of reinforced concrete structures considering joint effects of earthquakes, corrosion and ASR.” ICOSSAR 2017: 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, August 6-10, Vienna, Austria.

  9. Taflanidis, A. A., Jia, G., Kijewski-Correa, T.L., and Kennedy, A.B. (2015). "Hurricane risk rapid assessment and cyber-implementation." The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2015), June 21-26, Kona, Hawaii.

  10. Jia, G., Taflanidis, A. A., and Scruggs, J.T. (2015). "Layout optimization of Wave Energy Converters in a random sea." The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2015), June 21-26, Kona, Hawaii.

  11. Jia, G., Taflanidis, A. A., and Beck, J. L. (2014). "Non-parametric stochastic subset optimization for design problems with reliability constraints." EURODYN 2014: 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, June 30- July 2, Porto, Portugal.

  12. Jia, G., Taflanidis, A. A., and Beck, J. L. (2014). "Adaptive stochastic sampling using kernel density approximations." CSM-7: Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Computational Stochastic Mechanics, June 15-18, Santorini, Greece.

  13. Taflanidis, A. A., Jia, G., and Gidaris, I. (2013). "Reliability-based assessment/design of floor isolation systems for protection of critical structural contents." Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, August 28-30, Vienna, Austria.

  14. Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A. (2013). "Real-time hurricane risk assessment through surrogate modeling." ICOSSAR 2013: 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, June 16-20, New York, NY.

  15. Taflanidis, A. A, Jia, G., and Gidaris, I. (2013). "Reliability-based optimal design of floor isolation systems for protection of critical structural contents." ICOSSAR 2013: 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, June 16-20, New York, NY.





  1. Taflanidis, A. A., Jia, G., Nadal-Caraballo, N. C., Kennedy, A. B., Melby, J. A., and Smith, J. M. (2014). "Development of Real-Time Tools for Hurricane Risk Assessment." The Second International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM2014), July 13-16, University of Liverpool, UK.

  2. Taflanidis, A. A., Jia, G., and I. Gidaris (2014). "Probabilistic assessment/design of floor isolation systems through reliability criteria." Structures Congress, April 3-5, Boston, MA.

  3. Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A. (2013). "Non-Parametric Stochastic Subset Optimization for System Design Optimization under Uncertainty." The Third International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, September 3-6, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

  4. Jia, G., Taflanidis, A. A., and Gidaris, I. (2013). "A Simulation-Based and Reliability-Based Design Framework for Floor-Isolation Protective Systems." The Third International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, September 3-6, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

  5. Jia, G., and Taflanidis, A. A. (2011). "Relative Entropy Estimation through Stochastic Sampling and Stochastic Simulation Techniques." The Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, September 6-9, Chania, Crete, Greece.

Book Chapters

  1. Jia, G., and Gardoni, P. (2018) “Stochastic Life-Cycle Analysis and Optimization of Deteriorating Engineering Systems using State-Dependent Deterioration Stochastic Models.” In: Paolo Gardoni P (Ed) Handbook on Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure. Routledge.

  2. Jia, G., Tabandeh, A., and Gardoni, P. (2017) “Life-Cycle Analysis of Engineering Systems: Modeling Deterioration, Instantaneous Reliability, and Resilience.” In: Paolo Gardoni P (Ed) Risk and Reliability Analysis: Theory and Application. Springer.

  3. Taflanidis, A. A., Jia, G., Gidaris, I (2016) “Natural Hazard Probabilistic Risk Assessment Through Surrogate Modeling.” In: Gardoni P, LaFave JM (eds) Multi-hazard Approaches to Civil Infrastructure Engineering. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 59–86.

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